
Do future you a favour – Switch your KiwiSaver provider to SuperLife

Trusted by over 80,000 New Zealanders who already have their KiwiSaver savings with SuperLife. Find out more about our range of low fee investment options, so more of your money is invested in your future.

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Low fees, flexible investment options to suit your circumstances, and exceptional customer service.

More about KiwiSaver


Choose from a range of life, disability and medical insurance plans to suit the needs of you and your family.

More about Insurance

Pension Transfer

SuperLife makes the pension transfer process as simple as possible, so you can focus on your investment objectives.

More about Pension Transfer

New to SuperLife?

SuperLife is proud to be one of six government appointed Default KiwiSaver providers. If you’ve just joined KiwiSaver for the first time or you've recently been moved to the SuperLife KiwiSaver Scheme from your previous provider – welcome, we’re happy to have you! At SuperLife we’ve been helping Kiwis manage their money for over 15 years.

Learn more about KiwiSaver

Start Investing Now

Choose Superlife: a low fees KiwiSaver provider that will work for you today, and in the future.

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Smart ETFs

Why try to pick stocks when you can own the whole index? SuperLife lets you access many of Smart Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).

View SuperLife's funds