
SuperLife SMT NZ Fixed Interest Fund



Invests in a portfolio of investment grade New Zealand fixed interest investments with the aim of providing a gross return (before tax, fees and other expenses) that is consistent with the market index.

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Fund Facts

Asset Class Fixed Interest
Geographic Focus New Zealand
Market Index The market index combines the S&P/NZX A-Grade Corporate Bond Total Return Index (50%) and S&P/NZX NZ Government Bond Total Return Index (50%).

Fund Value ( 28/02/2025) $3,689,713
Fund Start Date 1 July 2000
Risk Indicator ( 31/12/2024)

Lower risk

Higher risk


Potentially lower return

Potentially higher return

Returns and Fees

28 February 2025
Last month Last year 3 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.)
(after deductions for charges and tax)
0.28% 4.95% 1.30% -0.07%
Market Index Return
(reflects no deductions for charges and tax)
0.63% 7.26% 1.99% 0.19%
Fee Amount
Administration fee An administration fee may apply. If you are an ordinary member, you may pay an administration fee of up to 0.50% of the daily average balance of your account. If you are a specified member, the administration fee you pay (if anything) will depend on what has been agreed with your employer – please consult your employer for more information.
The returns are after tax at the highest prescribed investor rate (PIR) of tax for an individual New Zealand resident. Your tax may be lower. If you are a SuperLife investor, you can log in to see how your investments have performed.

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