Fund Facts
Asset Class | Multi-asset class |
Geographic Focus | International |
Market Index | The market index for the fund is a composite index. It is made up of the indices used to measure the performance of the assets that the fund invests in. The market index return for the fund is calculated using the weighted average annual return of the market indices used to measure the performance of the assets that the fund invests in. This is calculated by multiplying the index return for each asset class by the target asset allocation weights for each asset class |
Investment Restrictions |
The Ethica Fund integrates environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors as a core part of its investment approach.
Where the fund engages external investment managers, or invests into external funds, we select those who we believe show a superior commitment to ESG in their investment process through evaluation and ongoing monitoring of their performance. Over 60% of the fund’s assets are invested with Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) who are a specialist responsible investment provider. DFA manage The Ethica Fund’s International Equities, Australian Equities, and International Fixed Interest asset classes, and integrate ESG by using the following tools:
Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Exclusions
Systematic ESG Screening
The Ethica Fund incorporates ESG into its voting by engaging DFA and Glass Lewis as our specialist ESG proxy research and voting advisers who consider diversity, competency, and accountability of the board of directors, and transparency on gender/racial pay gaps, human rights impact reporting and climate change when exercising voting rights. This voting framework does not apply to the New Zealand Fixed Interest or Cash & Cash Equivalents asset classes.
More information on the Ethica Fund, including the use of SRI exclusions, ESG screening, proxy voting advisers and external fund managers, can be found in our Responsible Investment Policy. |
Fund Value ( 28/02/2025) | $70,754,478 |
Fund Start Date | 31 March 2008 |
Risk Indicator ( 31/12/2024) |
Lower risk Higher risk Potentially lower return Potentially higher return |
Fund Value ( 28/02/2025) | $130,026,023 |
Fund Start Date | 28 October 2016 |
Risk Indicator ( 31/12/2024) |
Lower risk Higher risk Potentially lower return Potentially higher return |
Fund Value ( 28/02/2025) | $26,103,426 |
Fund Start Date | 4 February 2008 |
Risk Indicator ( 31/12/2024) |
Lower risk Higher risk Potentially lower return Potentially higher return |
Fund Value ( 28/02/2025) | $7,339,443 |
Fund Start Date | 24 July 2012 |
Risk Indicator ( 31/12/2024) |
Lower risk Higher risk Potentially lower return Potentially higher return |
Returns and Fees
28 February 2025Last month | Last year | 3 years (p.a.) | 5 years (p.a.) | |
Return (after deductions for charges and tax) |
-1.11% | 10.03% | 4.93% | 6.00% |
Market Index Return (reflects no deductions for charges and tax) |
-0.77% | 12.45% | 6.03% | 6.73% |
Fee | Amount |
Fund Charges (estimate) | 0.70% per annum of fund's net value. |
Administration fee | $30 a year (regardless of the number of investment options you invest in, or the number of times you change investment options). You do not pay the fee if you have all your money invested in the SuperLife Default Fund. |
Last month | Last year | 3 years (p.a.) | 5 years (p.a.) | |
Return (after deductions for charges and tax) |
-1.10% | 10.00% | 4.93% | 6.01% |
Market Index Return (reflects no deductions for charges and tax) |
-0.77% | 12.45% | 6.03% | 6.73% |
Fee | Amount |
Fund Charges (estimate) | 0.60% per annum of fund's net value. |
Administration fee | $12 a year (regardless of the number of investment options you invest in, or the number of times you change investment options). |
Last month | Last year | 3 years (p.a.) | 5 years (p.a.) | |
Return (after deductions for charges and tax) |
-1.11% | 10.02% | 4.94% | 6.04% |
Market Index Return (reflects no deductions for charges and tax) |
-0.77% | 12.45% | 6.03% | 6.73% |
Fee | Amount |
Fund Charges (estimate) | 0.70% per annum of fund's net value. |
Administration fee | $12 a year (regardless of the number of investment options you invest in, or the number of times you change investment options). |
Transfer fee | You will only be charged this fee if you transfer money from your member account to a KiwiSaver scheme and the transfer is to a KiwiSaver scheme other than the SuperLife KiwiSaver scheme. The fee is $50 for each transfer. |
Last month | Last year | 3 years (p.a.) | 5 years (p.a.) | |
Return (after deductions for charges and tax) |
-1.12% | 9.87% | 4.79% | 5.88% |
Market Index Return (reflects no deductions for charges and tax) |
-0.77% | 12.45% | 6.03% | 6.73% |
Fee | Amount |
Fund Charges (estimate) | 0.91% per annum of fund's net value. |
Administration fee | $60 a year (regardless of the number of investment options you invest in, or the number of times you change investment options). |
Asset Class
Income | Current % | Target % | Range |
Cash and cash equivalents | 7.14% | 8.00% | 0-60% |
New Zealand fixed interest | 12.14% | 12.00% | 0-30% |
International fixed interest | 20.50% | 20.00% | 0-40% |
Total | 39.78% | 40.00% | |
Growth | Current % | Target % | Range |
Australasian equities | 14.02% | 14.00% | 0-40% |
International equities | 40.42% | 40.00% | 0-50% |
Listed property | 5.78% | 6.00% | 0-20% |
Other | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0-15% |
Total | 60.22% | 60.00% |
Top 10 Fund Investments
The managed funds invest in SuperLife's sector and ETF funds, and in directly held financial products. To view the top 10 individual holdings of the underlying funds, download the latest fund update at the top of this page.
Name | Type | % |
Dimensional Global Sustainability Trust - NZD Hedged | International equities | 20.84% |
Dimensional Global Bond Sustainability Trust | International fixed interest | 20.50% |
Dimensional Global Sustainability Trust | International equities | 19.58% |
Smartshares NZ Core Equities Fund | Australasian equities | 9.83% |
Smart NZ Cash ETF | Cash and cash equivalents | 7.02% |
Smart S&P/NZX NZ Government Bond ETF | New Zealand fixed interest | 6.08% |
Smart NZ Bond ETF | New Zealand fixed interest | 6.06% |
Dimensional Australian Sustainability Trust | Australasian equities | 4.20% |
SMART WHOLESALE GLOBAL PROPERTY FUND | International equities | 3.82% |
Vanguard International Property Securities Index Fund | Listed property | 1.96% |
31 January 2025Country | % | Relative Weighting |
United States | 40.54% | |
New Zealand | 33.80% | |
Japan | 4.89% | |
Canada | 4.24% | |
Australia | 3.28% | |
France | 3.01% | |
United Kingdom | 2.13% | |
Germany | 1.95% | |
The Netherlands | 1.07% | |
Sweden | 0.81% | |
Belgium | 0.78% | |
Switzerland | 0.75% | |
Spain | 0.47% | |
Denmark | 0.41% | |
Singapore | 0.28% | |
Ireland | 0.26% | |
Italy | 0.26% | |
Hong Kong | 0.25% | |
Norway | 0.24% | |
Finland | 0.23% | |
Israel | 0.11% | |
Austria | 0.04% | |
China | 0.03% | |
Bermuda | 0.03% | |
Puerto Rico | 0.02% | |
Portugal | 0.02% | |
South Korea | 0.02% | |
Luxembourg | 0.01% | |
Chile | 0.01% |