

We know the increasing importance our customers are placing on aligning their investments with their values. That’s why we approach responsible investing by considering both socially responsible investment (SRI) factors and environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

We offer a comprehensive range of funds that enables our customers to choose an investment approach that best matches their responsible investing needs.

Whether you want to avoid companies involved in controversial businesses such as weapons manufacturing or extraction of coal, or want to prioritise reducing the emissions profile of your investment, or simply want to track a market index - we have an investment option for you.

The following information provides an overview of our responsible investment process. You can find specific information about each fund in our Responsible Investment Policy.

So how do we assess investment opportunities?

We incorporate responsible investment into our funds management process in the following ways:

Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) exclusions

We approach responsible investment by first applying an ethical and moral lens to investment opportunities. If the company doesn’t meet our socially responsible investment standards, we will exclude them.

Our Ethical and Principle-Based Funds use a minimum set of SRI standards, to exclude companies which:

  • derive a material part of their revenue from the exploration or extraction of coal
  • are associated with tobacco
  • are associated with illegal weapons (such as cluster munitions, anti-personnel mines, and nuclear explosive devices)

Our Ethica Fund also incorporates further SRI exclusions, such as companies associated with alcohol, gambling, palm oil, adult entertainment, child labour or factory farming. You can find out more information about our SRI exclusions in our Responsible Investment Policy.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) screening

ESG factors are non-financial considerations we use to assess the sustainability of an investment. We focus on environmental criteria such as how well a company minimises their impact on the environment through reducing their greenhouse gas emissions compared to market benchmarks.



  • Greenhouse gas emmisions
  • Water
  • Waste and pollution
  • Biodiversity


  • Health and safety
  • Labour standards
  • Human rights
  • Animal welfare


  • Board structure, diversity and independence
  • Remuneration
  • Anti-bribery and corruption


External Investment Managers

Where we use external investment managers, we assess their approach to responsible investment prior to their appointment and at least annually after that. Our preferred external manager appointments are signatories to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI). Find out more about the UNPRI’s six principles on the Principles for Responsible Investment website.


Our aim is to support voting rights for shareholders and promote responsible corporate behaviour.

We engage proxy research and voting advisers when creating voting and engagement strategies, this includes deciding how to exercise specific voting rights, and in the actual execution of such voting rights.

Our responsible investment options

We offer three categories of investment options, from fully integrated responsible investment options to non-ESG options that do not actively take ESG factors into account.



These funds have responsible investing at the core of their investment management by considering the following:

  • SRI exclusions
  • Systematic ESG screening
    • Reduces investment into companies that have negative ESG factors
    • Increases investment into companies with superior ESG factors
  • Sustainable proxy voting policies


  • Ethica
principle based


These funds aim to provide a baseline of responsible investment by using our common SRI exclusions.


  • SuperLife Default Fund (SuperLife KiwiSaver Scheme only)
  • SuperLife Overseas Bonds Fund
non esg


These funds are not designed to incorporate responsible investment.


  • All funds not included in the Ethical or Principle-based categories.

How to join SuperLife


We have four schemes to choose from

SuperLife offers a range of investment vehicles (referred to as “schemes”) so that you can tailor an investment solution to suit your needs.

  • SuperLife KiwiSaver scheme - KiwiSaver is a government savings initiative to help you save for retirement. To join, you must be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident under the age of 65.
  • SuperLife Invest - our most flexible savings and investments scheme. With SuperLife Invest, you choose how much you wish to invest and when.
  • SuperLife UK pension transfer scheme - a registered overseas pension scheme (“ROPS”) for UK pension transfers. SuperLife manages the UK pension transfer process for you so that you can focus on your investment objectives.
  • SuperLife workplace savings scheme - an employer-sponsored savings scheme. SuperLife has been helping employers set up employee benefit arrangements for over 15 years.  If you are a member of a SuperLife workplace savings scheme and would like to learn more about the benefits available to you, please contact us.

For some investors, a SuperLife solution might include a combination of schemes to manage their KiwiSaver and workplace savings, as well as personal investments.  Others might choose SuperLife to assist with their UK pension transfer.  Regardless of how you choose to join SuperLife, you will have access to a broad range of investment options, and fees that are among the lowest in the market.

If you’re not sure which scheme is right for you, we’re here to help.  Click here to contact us.

Investing on behalf of a child?

SuperLife’s myFutureFund is a way to help save for a child’s future. This enables a nominated guardian to make all the decisions about withdrawing investments and switching between investment options until the child reaches a chosen age (between ages 18 and 25).  To sign up a child to SuperLife Invest and nominate a myFutureFund guardian, click here to download the product disclosure statement and application form.  If you have any questions, please contact us.

Your investment strategy


Here are some tips to get you started

When you invest for any purpose, such as for your retirement or saving for a first home, you must decide on an investment “strategy”. Your investment strategy is the mix of the different types of assets (i.e. cash, bonds, property and shares) in which your savings are invested. You should also decide how it should be changed over time. Your investment strategy is a major contributor to the returns you will receive from your investments and should therefore be designed to meet your financial goals.

To determine your investment strategy, you should identify the returns you want over the short, medium and long term, and the risks you are prepared to accept. Investment “risk” often refers to the volatility of returns over the short-term and in particular, the chance or likelihood of a negative return.

The general principle is that investments that expose investors to higher risk (i.e. the possibility of a negative return in the short-term) will normally compensate investors, over the long-term, with a higher average return. However, this is only on “average” and the return in any particular year may be very high or very low (or negative). Higher risk options are not guaranteed to provide higher returns over the long-term.

When setting an investment strategy, we recommend considering these five factors:

  • Timing: When will you spend the money?
  • Importance: How important is the expenditure?
  • Diversification: Do you have other sources of income?
  • Patience: How long can you wait if something goes wrong?
  • Risk preference: What type of investor are you?

To view our articles and guides on investing, which cover a range of topics, click here. The information we provide about investments is of a general nature only. This means it does not take into account your specific circumstances. If you require personalised financial advice, you should seek advice from an appropriately experienced Authorised Financial Adviser.

Your investment options


SuperLife offers a broad range of investment options

SuperLife's investment options can be combined in any way you choose, and changed at any time free of charge. There is no minimum amount you must invest in a fund.

  • SuperLife Age Steps: Sets investment strategy for you based on your age and may be suitable if you are saving for retirement.
  • Ethica: A balanced fund which invests based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors and excludes investments which do not meet our socially responsible investment (SRI) standards.
  • Managed funds: Five funds that allow you to choose a fund based on your risk-return profile.
  • Sector and ETF funds: 35 funds that allow you to take control and create your own investment strategy.

SuperLife offers the flexibility to choose one set of investment options for your existing savings or initial investment, and another set of investment options for your future contributions.  All you have to do is let us know when you apply to join a scheme, or contact us to let us know.

Planning on making regular withdrawals? We have tools to help.


Reinvest income into the NZ Cash Fund

Each fund receives income (for example, interest and dividends) as part of its overall investment return. Our standard practice is to automatically reinvest the income into the fund it came from. However, another option is to invest the income into the NZ Cash Fund – this may be a better option if you are making regular withdrawals from SuperLife.

Regular withdrawal rebalancing

Over time, market movements will change the proportions of your investments so that they differ from the proportions you set in your investment strategy. Regular withdrawal rebalancing is designed for investors that want to:

  • reduce the risk of withdrawing money from funds that invest in shares and property at a time when the value of those funds has fallen; and/or
  • maintain a minimum level of cash and/or fixed interest.

If you choose this option, we will regularly rebalance your investments (normally each month) to maintain the proportions set in your investment strategy; however, we will only rebalance by moving money from higher volatility funds (for example, funds that invest in shares and property) to lower volatility funds (for example, funds that invest in fixed interest and cash), and will not move money the other way.

You can also choose for SuperLife to regularly maintain the proportions you set in your investment strategy (standard rebalancing) or choose not to have your investments rebalanced (no rebalancing).

Managed income

If you are thinking about retirement, SuperLife’s managed income solution pays you a regular tax-free monthly income from your savings, at a level that you choose (e.g. $2,000 a month). As long as you are eligible to make withdrawals, the income can be taken from your SuperLife account and credited to your bank account. The balance of your savings can continue to be invested with SuperLife.

Your managed income can be changed at any time (up or down, or stopped). You also have the flexibility to take out a lump sum at any time and for any reason, for example to buy a new car. This way you can spend your savings when you need to.

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about our managed income solution, or call 0800 27 87 37 to speak to one of our friendly customer service members.

Learn more


SuperLife resources

To help you make an informed investment decision, we have a range of online resources for you to draw from. Visit our Resources section to view articles and guides, frequently asked questions about investing, recent newsletters as well as information about upcoming investment seminars across New Zealand.


We've been helping Kiwis manage their money for over 15 years. We offer a wide range of investment options with low fees. SuperLife is proud to be one of six government appointed Default KiwiSaver providers. If you’ve just joined KiwiSaver for the first time or you've recently been moved to the SuperLife KiwiSaver Scheme from your previous provider – welcome, we’re happy to have you!

Join SuperLife


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Low fees, no surprises

Superlife KiwiSaver Scheme fees are some of the lowest in the market so more of your money stays invested where you want it.

Join SuperLife

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Growing your savings for the future

At SuperLife we follow a passive investment management approach, this means we invest your money with a long term focus on providing you with better investment gains. To achieve this our funds are designed to track an index or number of assets for long-term investment gains.

Join SuperLife

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Automatically managed

As you get older, the SuperLife Age Steps programme will automatically adjust the proportion of your investment in income and growth assets based on your age.

Join SuperLife

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Your money, your choice

We have over 40 KiwiSaver investment funds in the SuperLife KiwiSaver Scheme which you can choose from, combine between and change at any time.

Join SuperLife

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Start today, with $1 or $100,000

With no minimum investment, you can start from as little as $1. Whether you're self-employed, not currently working or something in between, you can join the SuperLife KiwiSaver Scheme today to start investing in your future.

Join the SuperLife KiwiSaver scheme

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We’re here to help

Have a question about the SuperLife KiwiSaver Scheme or investments? Track your investments online with our dashboard or using our mobile app. Or call or email our customer service team — they’re happy to help.

Contact us

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Fund Last month Last year 3 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) Fund charges (p.a.)
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 20 -0.53% 12.80% 3.48% 6.68% 0.63%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 30 -0.32% 11.53% 2.86% 5.66% 0.62%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 40 -0.32% 11.53% 2.86% 5.66% 0.62%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 50 -0.26% 11.13% 2.66% 5.34% 0.61%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 60 -0.05% 9.78% 1.98% 4.18% 0.60%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 70 0.18% 8.34% 1.24% 2.96% 0.58%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 80 0.56% 5.94% -0.02% 0.84% 0.56%
SuperLife Income Fund 0.69% 5.13% -0.46% 0.19% 0.56%
SuperLife Conservative Fund 0.29% 7.83% 1.04% 2.35% 0.57%
SuperLife Balanced Fund -0.12% 9.89% 1.99% 4.43% 0.60%
SuperLife Growth Fund -0.17% 11.81% 2.93% 5.71% 0.61%
SuperLife High Growth Fund -0.58% 13.12% 3.63% 6.93% 0.63%
SuperLife Default Fund 0.20% 10.39% 0.20%
Ethica Fund 0.39% 11.25% 1.99% 5.78% 0.70%
Castle Point 5 Oceans Fund 0.29% 5.23% 1.12% 1.43%
S&P/NZX 50 Fund -0.18% 6.70% -2.76% 0.59%
NZ Shares Fund -0.16% 3.97% -3.59% 1.33% 0.59%
NZ Top 50 Fund -0.18% 3.91% -3.61% 2.24% 0.59%
NZ Top 10 Fund 0.78% 8.33% -0.79% 3.12% 0.59%
NZ Mid Cap Fund -0.38% 5.92% -5.38% 0.73% 0.59%
NZ Dividend Fund 2.47% 1.16% -2.01% -0.07% 0.59%
NZ Property Fund 7.52% 5.69% -6.53% -1.82% 0.59%
S&P/ASX 200 Fund -1.37% 12.45% 6.12% 0.59%
Australian Shares Fund -0.62% 13.13% 6.15% 7.64% 0.59%
Australian Top 20 Fund -1.70% 14.70% 7.40% 7.64% 0.59%
Australian Mid Cap Fund 0.84% 8.49% 5.32% 9.17% 0.59%
Australian Dividend Fund -2.16% 8.86% 5.98% 5.19% 0.59%
Australian Financials Fund 0.78% 31.45% 12.21% 9.60% 0.59%
Australian Resources Fund -3.86% -9.37% 4.95% 6.49% 0.59%
Australian Property Fund 2.33% 13.63% -0.46% -0.03% 0.59%
US 500 Fund -2.96% 17.98% 11.33% 13.91% 0.54%
US Large Growth Fund -2.38% 21.82% 9.57% 16.29% 0.57%
US Large Value Fund -3.70% 13.25% 11.17% 10.52% 0.57%
US Mid Cap Fund -3.57% 11.30% 4.81% 9.16% 0.57%
US Small Cap Fund -5.78% 9.85% 4.42% 8.62% 0.57%
Overseas Shares Fund -2.53% 13.73% 8.34% 10.38% 0.58%
Overseas Shares (Currency Hedged) Fund 1.04% 17.59% 6.03% 9.55% 0.58%
Total World Fund -2.88% 14.14% 7.23% 10.14% 0.58%
Total World (NZD Hedged) Fund 0.53% 17.46% 4.62% 0.58%
Asia Pacific Fund -2.34% 7.61% 3.07% 5.17% 0.59%
Emerging Markets Fund -3.55% 5.22% 0.00% 3.22% 0.73%
Europe Fund -1.06% 11.54% 5.93% 7.72% 0.59%
Global Property Fund 4.45% 11.61% -3.48% -0.58% 0.58%
NZ Bonds Fund 0.64% 6.40% 0.97% 0.95% 0.54%
S&P/NZX NZ Government Bond Fund 0.52% 6.00% -1.18% 0.54%
Overseas Bonds Fund 0.64% 5.56% -0.83% 0.27% 0.59%
Overseas Non-government Bonds Fund 1.13% 5.89% -1.55% -0.33% 0.54%
Global Aggregate Bond Fund 1.39% 5.46% -3.21% 0.59%
NZ Cash Fund 0.20% 3.88% 2.59% 1.85% 0.52%
UK Cash Fund -2.20% 1.41% 3.05% 1.94% 0.49%
Fund Last month Last year 3 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) Fund charges (p.a.)
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 20 -0.52% 12.87% 3.55% 6.68% 0.53%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 30 -0.32% 11.60% 2.94% 5.68% 0.52%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 40 -0.32% 11.60% 2.94% 5.68% 0.52%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 50 -0.26% 11.21% 2.74% 5.36% 0.51%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 60 -0.04% 9.85% 2.07% 4.22% 0.50%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 70 0.19% 8.42% 1.33% 3.02% 0.48%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 80 0.57% 6.01% 0.08% 0.93% 0.46%
SuperLife Income Fund 0.70% 5.21% -0.35% 0.30% 0.46%
SuperLife Conservative Fund 0.30% 7.91% 1.13% 2.43% 0.47%
SuperLife Balanced Fund -0.11% 9.96% 2.08% 4.47% 0.50%
SuperLife Growth Fund -0.16% 11.88% 2.99% 5.76% 0.51%
SuperLife High Growth Fund -0.57% 13.19% 3.70% 6.92% 0.53%
Ethica Fund 0.39% 11.18% 2.01% 5.79% 0.60%
Castle Point 5 Oceans Fund 0.28% 5.09% 1.12% 1.33%
S&P/NZX 50 Fund -0.17% 6.79% -2.96% 0.49%
NZ Shares Fund -0.16% 4.05% -3.47% 1.37% 0.49%
NZ Top 50 Fund -0.17% 3.99% -3.54% 2.26% 0.49%
NZ Top 10 Fund 0.79% 8.42% -0.72% 3.17% 0.49%
NZ Mid Cap Fund -0.38% 6.00% -5.27% 0.79% 0.49%
NZ Dividend Fund 2.48% 1.23% -1.97% -0.07% 0.49%
NZ Property Fund 7.53% 5.77% -6.44% -1.76% 0.49%
S&P/ASX 200 Fund -1.36% 12.54% 6.16% 0.49%
Australian Shares Fund -0.62% 13.23% 6.15% 7.57% 0.49%
Australian Top 20 Fund -1.69% 14.80% 7.41% 7.61% 0.49%
Australian Mid Cap Fund 0.85% 8.57% 5.36% 9.13% 0.49%
Australian Dividend Fund -2.15% 8.95% 5.84% 5.05% 0.49%
Australian Financials Fund 0.79% 31.56% 12.27% 9.62% 0.49%
Australian Resources Fund -3.86% -9.31% 4.83% 6.33% 0.49%
Australian Property Fund 2.34% 13.72% -0.37% 0.02% 0.49%
US 500 Fund -2.96% 18.07% 11.34% 13.90% 0.44%
US Large Growth Fund -2.37% 21.91% 9.59% 16.26% 0.47%
US Large Value Fund -3.69% 13.34% 11.19% 10.58% 0.47%
US Mid Cap Fund -3.56% 11.40% 4.86% 9.15% 0.47%
US Small Cap Fund -5.78% 9.94% 4.48% 8.64% 0.47%
Overseas Shares Fund -2.53% 13.75% 8.24% 10.27% 0.48%
Overseas Shares (Currency Hedged) Fund 1.02% 17.48% 6.03% 9.42% 0.48%
Total World Fund -2.87% 14.15% 7.17% 10.12% 0.48%
Total World (NZD Hedged) Fund 0.53% 17.43% 4.54% 0.48%
Asia Pacific Fund -2.33% 7.70% 3.09% 5.21% 0.49%
Emerging Markets Fund -3.54% 5.29% -0.03% 3.18% 0.63%
Europe Fund -1.06% 11.62% 5.90% 7.71% 0.49%
Global Property Fund 4.45% 11.69% -3.40% -0.47% 0.48%
NZ Bonds Fund 0.65% 6.50% 1.05% 1.03% 0.44%
S&P/NZX NZ Government Bond Fund 0.52% 6.07% -1.09% 0.44%
Overseas Bonds Fund 0.65% 5.65% -0.71% 0.39% 0.49%
Overseas Non-government Bonds Fund 1.13% 5.96% -1.44% -0.23% 0.44%
Global Aggregate Bond Fund 1.39% 5.51% -3.36% 0.49%
NZ Cash Fund 0.21% 3.96% 2.61% 1.89% 0.42%
UK Cash Fund -2.17% 1.51% 3.12% 2.02% 0.39%
Fund Last month Last year 3 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) Fund charges (p.a.)
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 20 -0.53% 12.81% 3.51% 6.70% 0.63%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 30 -0.32% 11.54% 2.89% 5.68% 0.62%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 40 -0.32% 11.54% 2.89% 5.68% 0.62%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 50 -0.26% 11.14% 2.69% 5.36% 0.61%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 60 -0.05% 9.78% 2.01% 4.21% 0.60%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 70 0.18% 8.34% 1.28% 3.00% 0.58%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 80 0.56% 5.94% 0.01% 0.89% 0.56%
SuperLife Income Fund 0.69% 5.13% -0.43% 0.24% 0.56%
SuperLife Conservative Fund 0.29% 7.83% 1.07% 2.39% 0.57%
SuperLife Balanced Fund -0.12% 9.89% 2.03% 4.47% 0.60%
SuperLife Growth Fund -0.17% 11.81% 2.96% 5.74% 0.61%
SuperLife High Growth Fund -0.58% 13.12% 3.66% 6.95% 0.63%
Ethica Fund 0.39% 11.23% 2.02% 5.82% 0.70%
Castle Point 5 Oceans Fund 0.29% 5.26% 1.15% 1.43%
S&P/NZX 50 Fund -0.18% 6.70% -2.73% 0.59%
NZ Shares Fund -0.16% 3.98% -3.56% 1.37% 0.59%
NZ Top 50 Fund -0.18% 3.91% -3.58% 2.29% 0.59%
NZ Top 10 Fund 0.78% 8.33% -0.75% 3.16% 0.59%
NZ Mid Cap Fund -0.41% 6.37% -5.61% 0.89% 0.59%
NZ Dividend Fund 2.47% 1.16% -1.99% -0.03% 0.59%
NZ Property Fund 7.52% 5.69% -6.44% -1.77% 0.59%
S&P/ASX 200 Fund -1.37% 12.46% 6.16% 0.59%
Australian Shares Fund -0.62% 13.14% 6.19% 7.67% 0.59%
Australian Top 20 Fund -1.70% 14.71% 7.44% 7.66% 0.59%
Australian Mid Cap Fund 0.84% 8.50% 5.35% 9.21% 0.59%
Australian Dividend Fund -2.16% 8.87% 6.02% 5.20% 0.59%
Australian Financials Fund 0.78% 31.48% 12.25% 9.65% 0.59%
Australian Resources Fund -3.86% -9.37% 4.98% 6.52% 0.59%
Australian Property Fund 2.33% 13.64% -0.44% -0.01% 0.59%
US 500 Fund -2.96% 17.96% 11.36% 13.95% 0.54%
US Large Growth Fund -2.38% 21.80% 9.60% 16.34% 0.57%
US Large Value Fund -3.70% 13.26% 11.21% 10.57% 0.57%
US Mid Cap Fund -3.57% 11.31% 4.84% 9.21% 0.57%
US Small Cap Fund -5.78% 9.86% 4.46% 8.66% 0.57%
Overseas Shares Fund -2.53% 13.71% 8.37% 10.40% 0.58%
Overseas Shares (Currency Hedged) Fund 1.03% 17.44% 5.99% 9.49% 0.58%
Total World Fund -2.88% 14.15% 7.27% 10.17% 0.58%
Total World (NZD Hedged) Fund 0.53% 17.43% 4.64% 0.58%
Asia Pacific Fund -2.34% 7.61% 3.11% 5.21% 0.59%
Emerging Markets Fund -3.54% 5.21% 0.03% 3.26% 0.73%
Europe Fund -1.06% 11.54% 5.96% 7.74% 0.59%
Global Property Fund 4.45% 11.63% -3.45% -0.54% 0.58%
NZ Bonds Fund 0.64% 6.43% 1.01% 1.00% 0.54%
S&P/NZX NZ Government Bond Fund 0.52% 6.02% -1.16% 0.54%
Overseas Bonds Fund 0.64% 5.57% -0.80% 0.31% 0.59%
Overseas Non-government Bonds Fund 1.13% 5.89% -1.51% -0.28% 0.54%
Global Aggregate Bond Fund 1.39% 5.48% -3.11% 0.59%
NZ Cash Fund 0.20% 3.88% 2.62% 1.89% 0.52%
UK Cash Fund -2.20% 1.43% 3.10% 1.98% 0.49%
Fund Last month Last year 3 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) Fund charges (p.a.)
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 20 -0.54% 12.64% 3.35% 6.64% 0.84%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 30 -0.34% 11.37% 2.74% 5.61% 0.83%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 40 -0.34% 11.37% 2.74% 5.61% 0.83%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 50 -0.27% 10.97% 2.54% 5.29% 0.82%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 60 -0.06% 9.62% 1.86% 4.12% 0.81%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 70 0.17% 8.18% 1.12% 2.90% 0.79%
SuperLife Age Steps - Age 80 0.55% 5.78% -0.14% 0.76% 0.77%
SuperLife Income Fund 0.68% 4.97% -0.58% 0.10% 0.77%
SuperLife Conservative Fund 0.28% 7.66% 0.91% 2.27% 0.78%
SuperLife Balanced Fund -0.13% 9.72% 1.87% 4.37% 0.81%
SuperLife Growth Fund -0.18% 11.64% 2.80% 5.65% 0.82%
SuperLife High Growth Fund -0.59% 12.96% 3.51% 6.89% 0.84%
Ethica Fund 0.38% 11.09% 1.86% 5.67% 0.91%
Castle Point 5 Oceans Fund 0.28% 5.08% 1.09% 1.64%
S&P/NZX 50 Fund -0.19% 6.57% -2.86% 0.80%
NZ Shares Fund -0.17% 3.83% -3.71% 1.24% 0.80%
NZ Top 50 Fund -0.19% 3.76% -3.73% 2.15% 0.80%
NZ Top 10 Fund 0.77% 8.20% -0.90% 3.03% 0.80%
NZ Mid Cap Fund -0.40% 5.80% -5.46% 0.66% 0.80%
NZ Dividend Fund 2.46% 1.01% -2.13% -0.15% 0.80%
NZ Property Fund 7.52% 5.55% -6.62% -1.89% 0.80%
S&P/ASX 200 Fund -1.38% 12.31% 6.02% 0.80%
Australian Shares Fund -0.64% 12.99% 6.05% 7.58% 0.80%
Australian Top 20 Fund -1.71% 14.60% 7.32% 7.58% 0.80%
Australian Mid Cap Fund 0.83% 8.35% 5.20% 9.09% 0.80%
Australian Dividend Fund -2.17% 8.71% 5.87% 5.18% 0.80%
Australian Financials Fund 0.77% 31.41% 12.14% 9.59% 0.80%
Australian Resources Fund -3.88% -9.52% 4.83% 6.40% 0.80%
Australian Property Fund 2.33% 13.60% -0.50% -0.06% 0.80%
US 500 Fund -2.98% 17.81% 11.20% 13.84% 0.75%
US Large Growth Fund -2.39% 21.64% 9.44% 16.19% 0.78%
US Large Value Fund -3.71% 13.09% 11.04% 10.44% 0.78%
US Mid Cap Fund -3.59% 11.17% 4.72% 9.02% 0.78%
US Small Cap Fund -5.80% 9.72% 4.33% 8.56% 0.78%
Overseas Shares Fund -2.54% 13.54% 8.20% 10.30% 0.79%
Overseas Shares (Currency Hedged) Fund 1.02% 17.31% 5.90% 9.61% 0.79%
Total World Fund -2.90% 13.98% 7.10% 10.06% 0.79%
Total World (NZD Hedged) Fund 0.52% 17.31% 4.53% 0.79%
Asia Pacific Fund -2.35% 7.45% 2.95% 5.10% 0.80%
Emerging Markets Fund -3.56% 5.05% -0.13% 3.14% 0.94%
Europe Fund -1.08% 11.37% 5.80% 7.64% 0.80%
Global Property Fund 4.43% 11.44% -3.58% -0.68% 0.79%
NZ Bonds Fund 0.63% 6.27% 0.86% 0.87% 0.75%
S&P/NZX NZ Government Bond Fund 0.51% 6.10% -1.17% 0.75%
Overseas Bonds Fund 0.63% 5.42% -0.94% 0.18% 0.80%
Overseas Non-government Bonds Fund 1.12% 5.72% -1.65% -0.41% 0.75%
Global Aggregate Bond Fund 1.37% 5.79% -2.77% 0.80%
NZ Cash Fund 0.19% 3.73% 2.47% 1.77% 0.73%
UK Cash Fund -2.21% 1.26% 2.92% 1.87% 0.70%
Fund Last month Last year 3 years (p.a.) 5 years (p.a.) Fund charges (p.a.)
SuperLife SMT Moderate Fund 0.27% 9.07% 1.77% 2.91% 0.38%
SuperLife SMT Balanced Fund 0.07% 11.21% 2.78% 4.84% 0.38%
SuperLife SMT Growth Fund -0.10% 12.77% 3.44% 6.14% 0.38%
SuperLife SMT NZ Cash Fund 0.22% 4.07% 2.81% 1.89% 0.23%
SuperLife SMT NZ Fixed Interest Fund 0.57% 6.21% -0.23% -0.28% 0.39%
SuperLife SMT World Fixed Interest Fund 0.99% 4.19% -1.64% -0.50% 0.40%
SuperLife SMT Australasian Shares Fund 0.11% 10.03% 0.12% 3.89% 0.38%
SuperLife SMT World Shares Fund -0.91% 18.32% 8.09% 11.32% 0.39%
SuperLife SMT Global Property Shares Fund 5.07% 16.65% -1.70% 0.13% 0.41%

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